just got serious.™
Pepperface Saves Arizona Woman
At™ innovation and style converge with social responsibility – reinventing the vital topic of personal safety. Now being fashionable can save your life – seriously.
The sleek, fashionably designed™ Edition Palm Defender® is both awareness symbol and effective self-defense device. Precision machined, the aerospace aluminum body stylishly encases the world’s smallest aerosol pepper spray insert. Convincing, hand-held protection that looks as at home on the red carpet as it does in the self-defense category.
Prevention Purple™ – our designated awareness color for violence against women, helps to raise funds and generate public responsiveness. For each model sold, contributes a dollar to support the National Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence. Carrying the Edition Palm Defender demonstrates the choice to live safely and help others to do the same.
Awareness & Prevention at Smart. Stylish. Simply Fabulous. ™